If you would like to meet Miles or have an informal chat about his suitability as a mentee please call us on 0845 505 1875.
“Quote Here.”
Miles is a Senior Lecturer in Strategic Management, with research interests in supply strategy and performance management; simulation conceptual modelling and greening the supply chain. He has both a doctorate and first class honours degree from Aston Business School in Birmingham. His interests were shaped from practical experience within the supply departments of GM-Fiat Worldwide Purchasing and Jaguar Cars. Miles has a number of community interests, firstly he was a board member for Brook in Birmingham and now he currently sits on the board of the Birmingham Leadership Foundation. As a teacher, Miles received a Vice Chancellor distinguished teaching award upon the recommendation of DMU students in 2009. His efforts in representation were recognised with ‘Full Guild Colours’ while at Aston serving on the University Council and Senate (re-elected to serve two successive terms). In 2011, Miles made a Channel 4thought discussing his views and experience during the August 2011 riots in Birmingham. He displayed his leadership skills by forming the ‘riot clean up group’ during these disturbances working in partnership and supporting other stakeholders within the city. These efforts were noted by readers of the Birmingham Mail, who awarded the clean up group with a ‘local heroes award’ and the West Midland’s Police recognised Miles as an ‘Outstanding Citizen’ in 2011. Empowering and providing opportunity for young people is at the heart of everything Miles does.