The award winning Effective Board Member (EBM) Programmes are a series of accredited training programmes designed to equip individuals who want to become more effective in the boardroom with the knowledge and tools to enhance and embed their skills. The Programmes are aimed at both non-executive directors and executive directors from all sectors.
Delivered using practical and theoretical techniques including The Board Game - a unique, interactive, educational tool and face-to-face interviews with leading and experienced experts, the EBM Programmes provide participants with the skills required to gain board appointments, progress to paid positions or become more effective in their current board role. The Open Programme for senior executives and those in the senior management team structure is currently available in the following packages:
1. Intensive - two full consecutive days;
2. Bespoke - in-house based on client requirements.
The intensive package includes distance learning which, once completed will give the participant a qualification in corporate governance with the opportunity to apply for post-nominal letters. This option is available on the bespoke package and can be discussed as part of the agreement.
If you want to complement your current experience, gain new insight and become more proficient in governance then book your place today!
This director development programme is aimed at senior executives who would like to gain non-executive experience and those who may already be board members but who do not have any formal training or governance related qualifications.
Similarly, if you already sit on a board but have not received training to assist you in understanding what makes a board member effective, this course is for you.
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