Lead The Board follows the Advanced Certificate Course. This programme targets professional women who have the vision to contribute to a more balanced demographic of board composition across the private, public and voluntary sectors. The programme is aimed at directors, senior executives and individuals with non-executive experience. The public and voluntary sectors do much better on diversity than the private sector in a number of areas. However, they do have some way to go and board appointments in this sector can be the stepping-stone for entry to the FTSE Boards.
The concept of women working at executive levels, particularly those on boards has been highlighted as an area to be addressed by academics,
The media and regulators in order to enhance the performance of ‘UK PLC’. The widely quoted Lord Davies review set targets for women on the Boards of FTSE companies and whether quotas are agreed with or not, the composition of boards needs to change. The business case for diversity is well reasoned and the inclusion of women on boards is not a nice thing to do but a smart thing to do. Diverse boards are better overseers of corporate activities and are less likely to share common assumptions.
Complete the on-line registration form, attendance at the orientation event. The course is then delivered over four half-days.
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